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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Behind the Scenes in the Search Engine Labs
"...Yahoo Labs
According to Horowitz, Yahoo labs' four areas of focus are community, microeconomics, information navigation and search, and user experience. For example, when analyzing communities, Yahoo researchers look at the following information:

How to know what to believe
Trust models online and propagation
What makes communities thrive and wither
Tagging images and videos, and sharing these file types
Horowitz said that Yahoo believes in better search through people. "Writing algorithms to understand what is in an image is extremely difficult, for example," he said. "People plus algorithms is better than algorithms alone."

Algorithms have evolved considerably since 1995. Horowitz characterized search algorithm evolution into four phases:


Phase 4: Social search. Builds on all earlier technologies. "Subjective queries rely on domain expertise," said Horowitz. "With social search, we are handing back domain expertise to the users."..."

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