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Friday, March 17, 2006

Search Engine Journal » Mozilla Googlebot : Mozilla or Godzilla?:
"Jim Trivolette of Blackwood Productions has been checking out the Mozilla Googlebot which he says is a “new Googlebot which has the ability to index many more pages then the old Googlebot.”

Jim says that Mozilla Googlebot has the same tendency of Godzilla; in an effort to protect its homeland (Japan : Internet), the new Googlebot may cause rampage in its waking path:

“It can visit you so fast and so often it creates denial of service like attacks that can shut down hosting servers. This little crawler is the beginning of the end for many black hatters.

This Googlebot can read CSS, JavaScript, Div, and it also gets served up a website as if it were a normal person/viewer in effect bypassing bot redirects and cloaked pages.”

The new bot will show up in server logs with this ID : Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)

More from Jim :
...Sure there is some bugs still left in the system like crashing hosting providers but when you bring out this big of a change you can expect little else.
...Google adsense uses the same bot so if the new Googlebot is denied access to your server don’t expect to be able to hook up that new adsense account...

... Google will be able to make updates to the bot easier then they could have in the past. This bot is already doing things that have shaken the net, such as fill out and submit forms on websites to make sure the links work and click on live help links and initiate chats. It looks like the next step for Googlebot is going to be eyes and ears, time to watch movies and listen to .mp3’s?"

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