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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Blogcritics.org: Does Personal E-Mail From Sun Exec Reveal Google Is Buying Sun?:
"Something is definitely going on over at the Sun Microsystems camp right now. Since I wrote my first piece on the topic of a Sun takeover by Google, numerous visitors from SEC and Sun Microsystems internal servers have been flocking to read the analysis.

Then, when I penned 'McNealy Resigns, Google To Buy Sun,' only two days ago, the story broke over both Yahoo! Finance and Silicon Investor like wildfire: with over 800 visits in a single day, and a top Digg post, speculation became rampant. With so much attention, and so many anonymous repeat visits from Sun servers, it is difficult to believe that there is not a shred of truth in the argument that the search engine giant is planning a takeover of McNealy's hardware company. I have e-mailed Jonathan Schwartz to comment on the speculation too, but mysteriously, he has not replied so far..."

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