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Monday, January 23, 2006

Why Viral Marketing Is Essential To Low-Cost Search Marketing:
"...Viral marketing campaigns both online and off are especially important to small businesses and start-ups because they usually cost almost nothing. The real investment in getting a viral marketing campaign going is the time and effort that it takes to build a product worth talking about. That means that the small businesses that have more creativity than marketing dollars can still find themselves turning a nice profit thanks to a healthy influx of referred customers.

What this all really boils down to is a staunch reminder that if you spend your time and effort creating a really good product, both the search engines and your customers will like you. Yes you need to spend time making sure that your site is indexable by the search engines and some keyword research and copy editing also tends to pay off, but the reality continues to be that search engines are simply trying to deliver the best quality site to a searcher. Make sure that you are building that site and that you are offering those products and both search engines and shoppers will find their way to your door.

It's funny when you think about it... Ralph Waldo Emerson died more than one hundred years ago, but he still understood viral marketing. That's why he left us with this famous quote:

Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door."

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