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Monday, January 30, 2006

» Google AdSense Limits Referral Payout to 90 Day Window : Search Engine Journal:
"I’m not using this program, and probably just as well. Jensense reports that Google have quietly added a new term to all AdSense referrals generated by a publisher, a 90-day time limit on that referral, meaning a referred publisher must earn the $100 within the first 90 days, before the referring publisher is eligible to earn that $100 for a completed AdSense referral.

When a publisher that signed up for AdSense through your referral earns their initial $100.00 and is eligible for payout, we’ll credit your account with $100.00. *

Note the asterisk at the end. And at the bottom where the asterisk references:

* An AdSense referral is counted when a publisher, who has never previously enrolled in AdSense, creates an account and earns at least $100.00 within 90 days of sign-up. The referred publisher must be eligible for payment to qualify as a successful referral.

Let’s face it, most people signing up to Adsense for the first time aren’t going to make this (and if they were they’d 99% most likely already be using Adsense)."

New fine print to Adsense - what will outcome of this be???

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