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Monday, October 31, 2005

Geo-Targeted RSS Ads Surprise Advertisers:
"Google has quietly been running geo-targeted contextual ads in RSS feeds for several months, but many advertisers, agencies, and analysts contacted by ClickZ were surprised to learn about the placements.

'I don't think most advertisers know it's going on,' said Kevin Amos, director of product management at search marketing firm Impaqt. 'There's a lot of confusion in contextual advertising in general, and adding in RSS feeds makes it more confusing.'
AdWords documentation online doesn't specifically mention ads being distributed to feeds, other than a reference to ads showing up on content sites and 'products.'

'AdSense for feeds is part of the Google content network, so if an advertiser's campaign is opted into the content network, their ads are eligible to show in feeds,' Shuman Ghosemajumder, business product manager at Google, told ClickZ News. Ghosemajumder notes that the geo-targeting has been part of the AdSense for feeds distribution since its launch.

Geo-targeting has been an option for ads that run on Google's content network for the past two years, when regional targeting was introduced. Later, city-level and customized targeting became available in April 2004. AdSense for feeds, launched in May 2005, includes a site's feeds along with the site in the content network, so ads that would appear on a given site could also appear in the site's RSS feeds..."

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