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Monday, September 12, 2005

Search Engine Journal - Murdoch's News Corporation Acquires IGN Entertainment for $650 Million: "Look out America, Rupert Murdoch is doing the same thing he did with cable in the '90's and network TV in the '80's, he's writing checks and entering a new media to conquer. Well, its not really just Rupert, its News Corp, which is expanding its dominance of the US and World media from the TV set and onto labtops and desktops - especially those of 15-29 year olds. Yes, News Corp, the same people that have challenged the intellectual well-being of the average US citizen wih such masterpieces as FOX NEWS, Married With Children, the New York Post, Animals Gone Wild, Joe Billionaire and Bill O'Reilly.

Look out Ask Jeeves, Yahoo, AOL and Google, there's a new player in town with a bankroll backed by new investments by the Saudis and they are quite serious. Adding to its plan to dominate the young adult online market, News Corporation announced last week that they are buying the video game/entertainment network IGN Entertainment for $650 million in cash. "The acquisition of IGN adds a significant visitor base in the gaming sector, and increases Fox's exposure among the prized 18- to 34-year-old male audience," said Jack Flanagan, senior vice president of comScore Media Metrix. "The acquisition is a good complement to the company's other assets in the online space."..."

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