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Monday, September 12, 2005

ResearchBuzz: Unsafe Searching on Google:
"You know Google has a SafeSearch, right? It's a search that filters content so that you don't get icky stuff in your search results. It doesn't always work, but that's the intention.

Now there's Google UnSafeSearch, at http://strix.org.uk/misc/adult.google/index.php . This search grabs the first 100 results of a filtered Google search and the first 100 results of an unfiltered search. It then sifts the two and shows only those results which appeared in the unfiltered search.

So why am I showing you this? ResearchBuzz the newsletter is definitely rated PG. Because Google's SafeSearch doesn't always work. In fact sometimes it filters stuff that perhaps shouldn't be filtered, and using UnSafe Search is a perfect way to find out what's getting filtered.

Use your domain name in a site search like this -- site:example.com . This'll show you pages from that site that don't get through a SafeSearch search. For grins run the search site:google.com and see what pages Google is filtering from itself. "

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