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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Online Growth in China:
"Published: September 27, 2005
(After October 05, 2005, this article will only be available to eStat Database subscribers.)

The number of Internet users in China has topped 100 million, according to data released by the China Internet Network Information Center.

In its '16th Statistical Survey Report on Internet Development in China,' the agency put the total number of Internet users at 103 million as of July 2005. China is already the largest country in the Asia-Pacific region in terms of Internet users. The US is the only country with a larger online population. But with only 10% of the Chinese population online, the potential for Internet growth in China overshadows the US.

Another sign of China's growing online might is the expansion of broadband. For the first time, there are more broadband users in China than dial-up users.

eMarketer projects that China's broadband market will continue to be dominated by DSL, with cable accounting for 2.1 million broadband households, or just under 6% of the market, compared to 25.6 million for DSL and 9.2 million for other technologies like satellite, fiber, fixed wireless, powerline and other emerging broadband technologies accessed at home. As is the case with Internet usage, China will be the clear regional leader in broadband, an advantage that will get more lopsided as time goes on.

A wild card, however, is government restriction of online information. Earlier this week, the government imposed new rules that would limit news and other information online, the New York Times reported. The government also put new rules in place regarding content permitted on Web sites.

Interested in statistics and analysis of technology in the Asia-Pacific region? Keep an eye out for eMarketer's new report about digital TV in Asia. Sign up to be notified by e-mail when it is released."

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