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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ABC News: Silicon Insider: Sweet Music From a Simple Theory: "Digital Music Web Site Brings Scientist's Premise to Life
Silicon Insider


Sept. 15, 2005 — Want to see and hear something very cool? Check out this Web site: http://tones.wolfram.com/generate/.

Pick a style of music and press the button. If you want, mess with the pitch or the choice of instruments or the time signature. Interesting, isn't it? The music is amazingly complex, not the kind of stuff you would hear from a standard music generator. There is a randomness here, but at the same time, a structure — listen to the melodies emerge in the classical music, the riffs in the rock 'n' roll — the kind of music that suggests an intelligence has had a hand in the composition.

And yet, if you read the accompanying explanation, you'll discover that all the music you are hearing — and you can generate literally billions of tunes, enough to fill a lifetime of continuous listening — is being generated automatically (literally) by a computer using a handful of simple rules.

How is that possible? Well, therein lies a tale..."

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