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Monday, August 08, 2005

PC Rules!:
"Published: August 05, 2005
(After August 13, 2005, this article will only be available to eStat Database subscribers.)

The personal computer is rapidly replacing other consumer electronics appliances as the primary at-home communications and entertainment device.

According to a BURST! Media survey of 13,000 Web users aged 14 and up, the old devices may soon become obsolete. Entertainment that used to be accessed on a number of separate appliances is increasingly being played on the computer.

In fact, two out of five (39.1%) users under 24 say the Internet is the primary way they listen to music — and another 9.3% say it will be in the future. One-third (31.2%) say the Internet is the primary way they play games, with 11.6% saying it will be in the future.

And younger users are more likely than all other age segments to use the Internet to play music and games.

They use the Internet more to watch movies and other video programming, too.

'Computers are displacing many household entertainment appliances. Along with VoIP and streaming video, this is just the beginning of a centralization of most communication and entertainment functions in the home into a single appliance,' says Chuck Moran of BURST! Media.

Beyond entertainment, the IPC is also becoming an increasingly important source of information. Four out of five (80.0%) respondents say they use the Internet to find information that will help them at home — such as health news and recipes. Fully, 45.9% say the Internet is the primary way they gather information at home — and another 13.9% believe it will be in the future.

The survey found that nearly one-half (47.3%) of respondents use the Internet to gather local, national or international news, and men are more likely than women (50.3% v. 44.3%) to use the Internet as a news gathering resource.

Finding significant differences in the responses of respondents who connect to the Internet through a broadband connection versus those who use a standard dial-up connection, the survey reported that broadband users are more likely than dial-up users to listen to music online (58.7% v. 40.2%), to play Internet games (53.4% v. 43.9%) and to watch movies and other video programs (31.7% v. 17.1%) on the Internet.

For more information on the impact broadband is having on consumers everywhere, consult one or all of eMarketer's five new broadband reports: Latin America Broadband, Asia/Pacific Broadband, Europe Broadband, North America Broadband and Broadband Usage & Demographics."

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