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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google Gets Better. What's Up With That? - New York Times:
"EVER heard the old joke about the two psychiatrists who pass in a hallway? One says, 'Hello there.' The other thinks, 'I wonder what he meant by that?'

In high-tech circles, that's pretty much what people are saying about Google these days. If you hadn't noticed, Google is no longer just an Internet search tool; it's now a full-blown software company. It develops elegant, efficient software programs - and then gives them away. In today's culture of cynicism, such generosity and software excellence seems highly suspicious; surely it's all a smokescreen for a darker, larger plot to suck us all in. What, exactly, is Google up to?

The mystery only intensified this week, as Google announced two more free software tools for Windows: a new version of Google Desktop Search and a free instant-messaging program called Google Talk..."

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