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Monday, August 29, 2005

Cutting through search-engine clutter - The Boston Globe:
"With over 8 billion Web pages on file, Google is the most comprehensive index of the Internet. Too bad.

Internet users don't need 8 billion pages, or 8 million. Even eight is usually too many. More often than not, we'd settle for just one page -- the one with the information we need.

Google understands this. Indeed, its early success was due to page ranking, a clever statistical technique that does a pretty good job of guessing what the searcher is looking for. But Google's best gimmicks still fall short, and we're often compelled to slosh through waist-high data to find the facts we seek. So despite Google's spectacular success, there's plenty of pent-up demand for something better, and many an entrepreneur hoping to satisfy it.

A couple of the latest entrants come from the other side of the pond, Britain and Israel, while a third hails from Pittsburgh. None of them are search engines in the traditional sense. Instead, these new entrants let others index the information, while they figure out better ways to pick out just the bits that matter..."

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