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Monday, July 25, 2005

Gigablast Rolls Out A Blog Search:
"Search engine Gigablast ( http://www.gigablast.com ) is now offering a 'blog search, which according to its home page searches something over 11 million pages. You can try it at http://blogs.gigablast.com/ .

11 million pages doesn't seem like much, not when Feedster, for example, claims to index over 10 million RSS feeds, but blogspace is still underserved and underindexed in my opinion, especially when it's growing so rapidly.

I didn't like the results. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I didn't. Your results are initially sorted by relevance, but you can also sort them by date. Unfortunately I got better results by relevance than for date -- that date search doesn't do a lot for me. (Looks like the engine is indexing entire pages instead of RSS feeds.)

There are the obvious good things of Gigablast here; the cached pages and links to older versions, the stripped pages, the dates of indexing on the result pages. But perhaps I'm spoiled by Feedster and searching other RSS feeds. I expect more precision in results when searching blogs now; the Gigablast search seems a little messy. And 11 million pages is only the tip of the iceberg in blogland.

I'm not going to give up on this one. I can think of scenarios where full-page blog searching would be more useful than RSS feed searching, and full HTML searching may be something I'll just have to get re-used to. "

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