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Monday, May 09, 2005

MSN Experimenting With Search Results Clustering:
"Yup, search result clustering is still hot, or at least warm. Now MSN is getting in on the act with a new clustering tool from their sandbox. You can check out SRC (Search Result Clustering) at http://wsm.directtaps.net/default.aspx .
Run a search -- I searched for chips. The clustering divided out the search results into a huge number of categories -- poker chips, casino chips, mod chips, potato chips, buffalo chips (buffalo chips?) -- and then into a couple of odd clusters I wouldn't have expected: virgin oil and low prices.
In addition to MSN you have a couple of other search options to try this clustering technology with -- MSNBC and the beta of MSN's search. I searched for 'White House' on MSNBC and got an interesting mix of clusters, including President Bush (who was just ahead of Chris Matthews as a cluster), justice department, answering questions, and Bush Administration.
Some of the clusters had blue + signs next to them, indicating sub-clusters, but when I tried to get these to open in Firefox it didn't work. "

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