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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The latest from Claria a.k.a. Gator
MediaPost Publications Home of MediaDailyNews, MEDIA and OMMA Magazines:
"Claria Unveils Plan To Personalize Content Based On Surfing Behavior
by Wendy Davis, Wednesday, May 11, 2005 6:00 AM EST

AD-SERVING COMPANY CLARIA PLANS TODAY to announce a new service that will allow publishers to customize pages for individual consumers based on the other Web sites they have visited. The program, dubbed 'PersonalWeb,' is based on principles similar to Claria's recently launched behavioral targeting feature, BehaviorLink, which looks at Web-surfing history to classify the 40 million consumers who have downloaded Claria's adware software into marketing buckets.

Publishers that adopt the personalization program can theoretically serve every participating visitor a different home page. 'If you have a huge Yankees fan, you might want to give that person Yankee headlines,' said Scott Eagle, Claria's chief marketing officer...

The program requires customers who have already downloaded Claria's ad-serving software [a.k.a. adware/spyware] to specifically opt in for personalization..."

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