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Friday, May 06, 2005

Internet Daily: Microsoft seeks 20 bloggers - :
"By Frank Barnako, MarketWatch - Last Update: 10:39 AM ET May 5, 2005

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - The world's largest software company is following the tire tracks of Vespa U.S.A.

Team 99, as it will be known, will get a look at pre-release copies of the new OS, after pledging not to reveal details which could be useful to competitors or hackers. Software developers and "super users" are likely to be asked to join the group, according to Robert Scoble, Microsoft's most visible Web logger. He's organizing the group and is soliciting participants at channel9.msdn.com. Nominees should be "trusted by the community ... visible ... (and able to) give good feedback on your behalf to Microsoft," he said."

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