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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Google Refuses Conservative Ad, Similar to Liberal Ad -- 05/04/2005:
"...'We were using Google, typed in 'Tom DeLay,' and saw all the Google AdWords on the right-hand side that came up there and they were all anti-DeLay ads,' Greene said.

Greene decided to buy an advertisement supporting DeLay and to try to spend enough money to get his ad to come up on the top of the list.

'So we did that, and then we decided that - as part of this campaign to expose the hypocrisy of the Democrats who are attacking DeLay - we decided to do a specific ad against Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader,' Greene explained.

He noticed an anti-DeLay ad for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that stated, 'The Truth About Tom DeLay - Learn about DeLay's many scandals and help us clean up the House! dccc.org.' Greene attempted to purchase a similar ad that stated, 'Truth About Nancy Pelosi - Learn about Pelosi's many scandals and help us clean up the House! RightMarch.com'

'That's all we did,' Greene told Cybercast News Service. 'We took the liberal ad and changed the words to make it a conservative ad.'

But Google refused the ad..."

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