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Monday, May 09, 2005

CastleCops - Windows Security Checklist - Part 24: Kids Safer Search Engines:
"by Larry Stevenson, aka Prince_Serendip, CastleCops Staff Writer - May 8, 2005

Finding relevant information on the Internet is a task most people would prefer to have done for them. They make easy prey for the purveyors of adwares and spywares, who offer to find what they want, provided that they accept a few programs, taskbars and popups in exchange for the service. If you are like most people, you hate ads because we all get far too many of them. They consume our time and attention, distracting us from the purposes we have determined are important. Many search engines and even ISPs do not even bother to ask nor inform you of the spywares they install. If you use their products then you have spywares installed on your machines whether you want them or not.

For the past few weeks I have intensively researched the Internet services related to children and teens. I have discovered that some of the sites and search engines purporting to be 'helping keep kids safe' are themselves providing spywares. Just by visiting some sites for example will give you spyware tracking cookies without your knowledge. If you subscribe to their services, especially those that require software downloads and installations, you are open to their tracking programs and other forms of spywares and adwares.

The sites and search engines listed below are the cream of the crop.

Some of the Best Search Engines and Directories for Kids and Teens... "

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