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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

InfoWorld: Beyond the blog hype: March 18, 2005: By Chad Dickerson :

"...Despite the mass-media blog overkill, I find that when I meet IT professionals and ask them if they have their own blogs, the answer is usually "no." IT professionals know what blogs are, but my sense is that whereas IT might be overrepresented in the universe of blog creators -- estimated in one study to be 7 percent of adult Internet users -- the vast majority of people who do IT for a living have taken a pass. On a recent trip to the East Coast, I was talking to two professionally accomplished CTOs who practically grimaced when I mentioned the word "blog." Blaring blog stories on TV leave them scratching their heads. How are blogs useful to IT managers who are less interested in taking down network news anchors than running an IT operation? Yet I think IT pros might be missing useful signals amid the noise.

One key aspect of blogs that's often ignored is the basic technical architecture, which makes information in blogs uniquely accessible. Most blogging software (such as Movable Type and Radio Userland) issues a "ping" for each new blog post to ping servers that allow blog-specific search engines and services to index or otherwise process content in near real time. ( Technorati, which runs its own ping servers, has claimed that the median time for a new blog post to enter its index is 7 minutes.) This rapid inclusion into search indexes means that blog-specific search tools such as Technorati, Feedster, and PubSub beat the pants off the seemingly all-powerful Google (Profile, Products, Articles) when it comes to aggregating and indexing blog content quickly..."

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