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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Ask Jeeves Serves It Your Way:
"By Gary Price, News Editor - September 21, 2004

It's a busy day at Ask Jeeves with the announcement of several new services and enhancements, including the launch of a new personalized search tool and a major upgrade of the company's Teoma search engine..."

Monday, September 20, 2004

Population Explosion!:
"Trends & Statistics: The Web's Richest Source
By ClickZ Stats staff | September 10, 2004

There are countless sources for the number of Internet users in any given country. ClickZ Stats tries to maintain an updated list of the latest statistics on Internet users we've seen for countries around the world. Often, there are widely differing counts. We do our best to check on the accuracy of counts by comparing them to regional growth patterns and other projections.

Many of the population statistics, number of Internet users, and the number of ISPs come from the CIA's World Factbook, but we've included data from other sources where specified. Computer Industry Almanac Inc. has also contributed Internet user data for more than 50 countries, and their detailed methodology can be found here..."

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Value Prized over Brand Name:
"The days of brand loyalty are in the past, according to Millard Group's Online Coop Survey, and from what online shoppers say, those days don't look to be returning anytime soon.

Millard Group's findings are the result of responses of over 66,000 online buyers from 21 online retail catalogs. These surveys are done on a quarterly basis. Just 2% of respondents indicated that brand was the crucial factor in their purchasing decision, far below quality (37%) and price (26%). A quality-price combination also proved to be crucial, as 68% of respondents felt 'value' to be 'very important,' with 30% more feeling it to be 'fairly important'... "

MediaDailyNews 09-01-04: "Jupiter Asks eMarketer To Cease And Desist, Suit May Define 'Fair Use' On The Internet
By Ross Fadner - Staff Writer - Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Jupitermedia Tuesday said it sent cease and desist letters to online news and data aggregator eMarketer, ordering the company to discontinue using research from Jupitermedia in eMarketer reports sold in France and the UK. The two companies are already embroiled in a similar lawsuit in the United States and some observers believe the outcome could help determine what constitutes 'fair use' of data that is publicly available on the Internet..."

Pew Internet & American Life Project: Search engines: "Data Memo on Search Engines
Deborah Fallows, Lee Rainie, Graham Mudd
On the probable eve of Google's initial public offering, new surveys and traffic data confirm that search engines have become an essential and popular way for people to find information online. A nationwide phone survey of 1,399 Internet users between May 14 and June 17 by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that 84% of online Americans have used search engines - that translates into more than 107 million people. On any given day online, more than half those using the Internet use search engines. And more than two-thirds of Internet users say they use search engines at least a couple of times per week.

Furthermore, there is a substantial payoff as search engines improve and people become more adept at using them. Some 87% of search engine users say they find the information they want most of the time when they use search engines... "
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Center for Media Research - Daily Brief:
"Wednesday September 1, 2004
The Offline Real World Tops the Internet for Daily Tasks and Recreation

Based on the findings of a daily tracking survey on Americans' use of the Internet by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, 88% of online Americans say the Internet plays a role in their daily routines. Of those, one-third say it plays a major role, and two-thirds say it plays a minor role. The activities they identified as most significant are communicating with family and friends and finding a wealth of information at their fingertips...."


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