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Friday, July 16, 2004

BW Online | July 16, 2004 | So Many Pages, Such Feeble Search:
"By Steve Hamm

Microsoft is just the latest tech outfit to tackle the info-overload problem. It's joining a host of others that have miles to go

For proof that Internet search technology is still in its infancy, go to the Web site for Microsoft's (MSFT ) new would-be Google killer. The company has invited people to try out a test version and suggest improvements. It could definitely use some. A search for Web pages related to the key words 'Bill' and 'Gates,' for instance, starts off well with a couple of links to Gates' own Web pages on Microsoft's corporate site. But the results quickly devolve into a catch-all of random and even loony Gates-related material -- including a guide to hiring a William H. Gates III impersonator and a tongue-in-cheek spoof that tries to prove Gates is the devil..."

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