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Thursday, May 27, 2004

Yahoo's Groovy Linkdomain Syntax -- ResearchBuzz, May 26, 2004:
"You learn something new every day, and today I learned about Yahoo's linkdomain: syntax. Yahoo's link: syntax finds everything that links to a particular page, but as you might guess from its name, linkdomain: finds all pages that link to a particular domain. It is used a little different from the link: format, though.

If you went to Web Search University, you might remember Greg Notess saying that when using the link: syntax, you had to be sure to use http:// with it. In other words, link:http://www.yahoo.com works, while link:www.yahoo.com is much less functional. Linkdomain: is backwards; using linkdomain:yahoo.com works, while using linkdomain:http://www.yahoo.com doesn't work.

Using linkdomain:yahoo.com finds about 116 million results: and it's mixable! linkdomain:yahoo.com site:gov works, as does linkdomain:yahoo.com intitle:google inurl:google. Now if only Yahoo had an API... "

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