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Thursday, May 27, 2004

Newer Small Biz More Likely to Advertise Online:
"The Kelsey Group and ConStat report that 78% of older small businesses -- those that have been in existence for more than 20 years -- rely on Yellow Pages advertising compared to 52% of those small businesses that have been around for less than 10 years.

Younger businesses, however, are more likely to include e-mail, search engine marketing and Internet Yellow Pages in their overall advertising mix.

The study, conducted among 289 online advertising decision-makers at small businesses, finds that younger businesses spend an average of $4,753 per year on advertising whereas their older counterparts spend an average of $9,300 on advertising annually. The study notes, however, that younger small businesses average $756,000 in annual revenues whereas older small businesses average $2.8 million in revenues, proving that newer small businesses spend more on advertising than their older counterparts..."

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