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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Future Of Blog Search Engine?
I had wondered if a Google Blog was coming, after sightings of a http://www.google.com/googleblog/ URL were reported last month.

There was some speculation that this newly-found URL, which had brought up a page simply saying "test," meant Google might launch a new blog search engine. That URL now shows an error, with the blog now living at a slightly different URL.

But how about the idea of a blog search at Google -- or even the ability to search for web feeds that many blogs and news sites use? Google has said in the past that a Google blog search engine will eventually come. But Blogger program manager Evan Williams said that there were no specific plans that he could discuss.

"It's certainly something we are interested in. We're always looking for stuff we should be searching," Williams said. "I'm very interested in there being an easier way to search blogs. That's all I can say on the subject."

As a reminder, Google-competitor Yahoo does offer a type of web feed search engine -- sort of. Visit the Yahoo's advanced search page, set the File Format option to RSS/XML, and now you can search through any blog and web feed content that Yahoo has indexed.

Unfortunately, the results aren't as good as you'll find using a dedicated feed search engine such as Daypop, Feedster or Technorati.

For example, a search for gmail at Feedster provides direct links to articles that were listed within RSS feeds. The same at Yahoo brings back mostly links to the home pages of sites with feeds that may have mentioned Gmail. You don't go directly to the distributed article.

For more blog and feed search engines, see the RSS News Feeds & Blog Search Engines section of Search Engine Watch. My RSS: Your Gateway To News & Blog Content article from last year also explains more about the concept of getting content through feed syndication.

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