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Friday, April 16, 2004

Google Gmail - User Review and Preliminary Impressions the Search Engine Journal
"Google calls messages "conversations", and this is not just a conceit. A message thread is preserved as a unit in all of Gmail's views. Each thread is by default collapsed to a single row, with on its subject and "snippet" viewable. In this mode it can be labelled or managed (deleted, archived, etc), and working with a collapsed conversation feels much like working with a single message. Clicking on the title of a collased conversation brings up a stacked message view, and clicking on the title of any messages expands it. Conversations can also be printed in expanded form (though this was one of the features that does not appear to be working (at least in Mozilla) yet.

Other mail programs have tried to execute this feature, and none have done it well yet. Gmail seems to have cracked this nut."

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